This is “No Ordinary Church”! I am thrilled this is No Ordinary Church because these are no ordinary times. Ministry in our culture is a lot more difficult today than it has ever been before. Unfortunately, much of the Church in America is not having the impact God wants us to have as a smaller percentage of people in the United States are attending church now than in past decades. Why do we need “No Ordinary Churches”? --- Because these are no ordinary times.
The Apostle Paul wrote most of his letters to churches in order to correct some kind of heresy going on in the church. However, he writes to the church in Thessalonica to commend them, not to correct them.
2 Thessalonians 12:1-12…
Two Characteristics of a “No Ordinary Church”
Healthy: We are pursuing Jesus and a relationship with him.
Missional: We are pursuing Jesus’ priorities in the world.
- Where we are is not nearly as important as where we are GOING.
Where a church is headed is a better indication of health than where a church is at that particular moment.
2 Thessalonians 1:3…
- Increase salvations, recommitments, baptisms, and people serving in ministry
- People growing in prayer and Bible engagement
- People inviting others to church and becoming consistent in attending and getting into a small group
We want to be “No Ordinary Church” so that Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians at the end of chapter 1 would be true of us as well. See 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 … We want to be living our life in a way that is worthy of our calling to be a follower of Jesus, a representative of God in this world, so that when we meet him face to face at the end of life, we hear him say: WELL DONE! The way that is going to happen is for us to live life walking in the power of the Spirit of God so we can live life for God’s purposes and not our own – so that our life would bring honor and glory to God in all that we say and do.
Taking It Home
We encourage you to take a few minutes today and this week to process this morning’s message. These questions are designed for discussion with your family, a friend, mentor, spouse, and small group. They are also useful for self-reflection.
- What stands out to you in these passages from the Bible? From the message?
- What is difficult for you to understand or accept in these passages from the Bible? From the message?
- What is God saying in these passages and through what we heard in the message about Himself? About people? About you?
- What examples are there to follow, commands to obey, or promises to stand on from these passages in the Bible, and from what we heard in the message?