Today we continue to look at some words from God to his people long ago in the last book of the Old Testament. The prophet, Malachi was commissioned by God with one purpose in mind. It was his goal to reestablish standards of excellence amongst God’s people. He was wanting to see them take the next step in their relationship with God and their relationship with each other. His goal was the same as our goal as a church family this year as we are wanting to all take the next step in our relationship with God and each other.
So far in our study of Malachi, we have looked at our relationship with God; our relationship with our children, grandchildren, the children in our church and community for whom we are their spiritual aunts and uncles; our friendships in life; and the relationship we have in marriage if we are married. Today, we see what Malachi says about our money and finances in relationship to God.
God’s guidelines for handling money:
1. Earn money ethically – No schemes, corruption, backdoor deals, or gray areas. You can earn a lot of money, but earn it ethically.
2. Spend money wisely – Not foolishly or carelessly, and avoid destructive debt.
3. Give money generously to the poor – Help meet their needs.
4. Tithe – As a part of overall money management practices, God establishes the practice of tithing.
“Tithe” literally means “a tenth part” -- 10%. The idea behind the practice was that God’s people would take 10% of whatever increase they experienced, bring it to the place where they worshipped, and give it as a symbol of their gratefulness to God for all he had given to them. A secondary purpose of the tithe was to support the ministry of the place where they worshipped.
1. Do a HEART check.
No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. Matthew 6:24
Jesus was saying that there’s always a clear winner in the God versus money battle. No one can serve both; one will always win. And so, Malachi’s question to us today is: Who is the clear winner in the God versus Money battle that goes on in your heart and my heart?
2. Do a FAITH check. Give to God first.
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Proverbs 3:9
This is taking a step of faith to ensure that our heartfelt commitment to start honoring God with our money really takes effect. When we take a step of faith and tithe, God says ‘Watch what I will do!’ What we do with our money and possessions is the only issue where God tells us to test him. Now this does not mean that when we give God will bless us with riches. What He is saying is that when we give as He calls us to do, and when we give with Godly motivation, that He will provide for us and meet our needs. His blessings may also come in a variety of ways, but God will fulfill his promise to bless us.