
John 2:1-11
Making Us New

An amazing thing about God is He can make something new out of our life. He can even take what the world considers a NOBODY and turn them into SOMEBODY.   

We see his power to be able to make something new in our story today from John’s Gospel. The miracles Jesus performed constitute one of the most powerful and convincing proofs of his deity – that he is God come to earth in the person of Jesus. 

Jesus’ miracles as recorded by John are showing the people of his day that the mythological gods they worshiped are not truly God.  Jesus is God. And so John shares the reason he is telling the story of Jesus when he says: 

30 The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name. John 20:30-31 

John 2:1-2: The Scene… 

John 2:3-5: The Situation… 

John 2:6-10: The Supply… 

John 2:11: The Significance… in the light of the mythological god, Dionysus, who was the god of wine and revelry the people worshipped in John’s day. 

The application of this to us today in a world where false gods seek to draw us away from our relationship with Jesus is that: 

God can make a person new and can take a nobody and turn them into a somebody for His glory and neighbor’s good.  (See 1 Corinthians 1:26-29…) 

Taking It Home 

We encourage you to take a few minutes today and this week to process this morning’s message.  These questions are designed for discussion with your family, a friend, mentor, spouse, and small group.  They are also useful for self-reflection. 

1. What stands out to you in these passages from the Bible? From the message? 

2. What is difficult for you to understand or accept in these passages from the Bible?  From the message? 

3. What is God saying in these passages and through what we heard in the message about Himself? About people? About you? 

4. What examples are there to follow, commands to obey, or promises to stand on from these passages in the Bible, and from what we heard in the message?