In times of trial or suffering, your church family is here to support you. God loves you deeply, and you are not alone.
Submit a prayer request to our pastors or add it to the Community Covenant Church prayer chain, a dedicated team praying over needs shared with us.
To join the prayer chain, visit the church office or call (913) 631-0215.
Our Pastors and Congregational Care Ministers are also available for counseling, hospital visits, funerals, and financial assistance.
Click the Prayer Request button—we’d love to pray for you!
Our Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) partner with pastors to provide compassionate care for our church community. They are trained to:
-Visit and pray with those in hospitals, nursing homes, or homebound.
-Offer follow-up support after surgeries, loss, or hardship.
-Serve Communion to shut-ins and the elderly.
-Provide one-on-one spiritual support, active listening, and prayer.
-Follow up with those who request prayer.
Contact John Paul Harris-Webster for more information.
Losing a loved one is never easy. At Community Covenant Church, we are here to offer love, grace, and spiritual support as you honor their life.
While grief is real, so is our hope. We lean on the promise of the resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:13) and walk with you through this difficult time. It is our privilege to support your family—you are not alone.
Contact: Funeral Coordinator Dee Harvey